Agony aunt column: Ask Lucy

Lucy Saunders SUS-160623-152004001 SUS-160623-152004001 SUS-160623-152004001 SUS-160623-152004001Lucy Saunders SUS-160623-152004001 SUS-160623-152004001 SUS-160623-152004001 SUS-160623-152004001
Lucy Saunders SUS-160623-152004001 SUS-160623-152004001 SUS-160623-152004001 SUS-160623-152004001
This is the latest column from Lucy Saunders, who provides a regular agony aunt feature - Ask Lucy.

If you have a question for Lucy please email her at [email protected].

Dear Lucy, I recently finished my second last year of school and during that year I had been talking to a guy that I was introduced to by one of our many mutual friends. However, he was in his last year of school and preparing for big exams. As we started to get close he said that nothing could happen because he didn’t want any distractions that year. We stopped talking. Months later, just after school finished for the year and he was in the middle of his exams, he messaged me. We got close and talked every day for a few weeks. Then he invited me to his friends house for a few drinks- it was his friend’s birthday. The night went really well but since then he’s been distant with me. He takes hours to reply when I message him when he is clearly active on social media sites. I’ve asked him are we okay but he just apologises for his slow replies and says he’s had a hectic day. I really like him and according to him he likes me but I just don’t know what to do. Please help me.

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Lucy Says: It sounds like he wants to control when he wants to see you. He also sends conflicting messages. First of all he says he doesn’t want any distractions and then he gets in touch with you when he is right in the middle of his exams. It also seems that when ever you get ‘close’ he withdraws, he might be scared of his own feelings. It sounds like he doesn’t know what he wants? I was also wondering did anything happened on the night of the drinks party that made him become distant again? I really feel for you as you don’t know where you stand and not knowing is worse than knowing. You could bite the bullet and have a face to face chat with him and tell him you are confused the way he is behaving towards you. If the response is negative then try and forget him, as there are plenty more fish in the sea and the world is your oyster.

Dear Lucy: My daughter is 14 and is self harming, she is under our G.P. and getting the help she needs. I was wondering if you could explain a little bit about it. This has been a devasting period for my family. My husband and I have been divorced for four years and my daughter hardly sees her father.