Concern over 'rat run'

LORRIES and heavy vehicles using a Seaford Conservation Area road as a rat run are a danger to people, homes and hidden underground tunnels, says a resident.

On Monday, Blatchington Hill was blocked for two hours after a lorry got stuck attempting a narrow left turn on to the hill from Sherwood Road.

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Resident Odette Volpeliere-Pierrot said this was only one of many problems caused by traffic using the road as a short cut through the town.

Lorries, coaches and buses are using the road as a rat run. The problems have been going on for years and there is no doubt it is getting worse, she said.

People were also worried about structural damage to homes and roads from traffic, and the strain on historic tunnels which are believed to run under the area. The hidden tunnels, used by smugglers to get to the seafront, are thought to run from houses which were once pubs.

Mrs Volpeliere-Pierrot said she and neighbours were worried these could collapse under the weight of large vehicles.

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Several people have got cracks in the walls of their houses and what is very concerning to us is that since we are having all this rain it will weaken the tunnels.

Speeding traffic was also a concern, she added: Some of us have had bollards erected outside our houses to stop lorries mounting the pavements at high speed.

Traffic really does race with it being a long straight road. It often takes minutes to cross the road and it is only about 12 feet wide. It is very dangerous to pedestrians and children. We have had accidents, before and they will keep happening unless something is done.

The only answer was for the road to be turned into a cul-de-sac, a solution the police backed, she said.

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