Blatant waste of council cash

Call the newsdesk on 01323 414488 or email SUS-180130-143238001Call the newsdesk on 01323 414488 or email SUS-180130-143238001
Call the newsdesk on 01323 414488 or email [email protected] SUS-180130-143238001
From: Phyllis EmeryStar Road

After writing to the council, the highways dept, and local MPs about the appalling state of the pavements in Crowne Street and the need for extensive repairs, and nothing being done, on Tuesday 6th February, two lorries and four men appeared. We all thought, at last, the pavements are being done. They dug a hole, about 2 foot square, filled it with , I suppose, Tarmac, pressed it down, and left, what a farce, and an expensive one. Why two big lorries, and why four men? I could have dug a hole that size, the highways dept say they cannot do repairs due to lack of money, and then blatantly waste it.

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