Government’s inexorable, chaotic moves from one self-made crisis to another

Palace of Westminster SUS-190927-095148001Palace of Westminster SUS-190927-095148001
Palace of Westminster SUS-190927-095148001
From: Brian BrabySilverdale Road, Eastbourne

Open letter to Caroline Ansell MP:

On Monday, your government imperilled Brexit talks by introducing the Internal Market Bill, which, if you support it, will override the Withdrawal Agreement signed by the UK in January.

The bill would give ministers powers to override the Northern Ireland Protocol of the agreement, risking the creation of a hard Irish border and threatening fragile power-sharing arrangements.

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By breaking international law, the government risks collapsing trade talks and leading straight to a no deal Brexit, which would be catastrophic for the British economy, hard-pressed as it is with the effects of the present pandemic.

It never ceases to amaze me that your government never ceases to amaze me.

I am very concerned about your Government’s inexorable chaotic move from one self-made crisis to another. In the public’s mind every single Tory MP who supports this Bill will leave themselves open to the accusation that they are willing to break the law when it suits them, and what message does that give to those members of our society who are struggling to make ends meet.

In addition, what message does this give to the world community, so far as our trustfulness is concerned when it comes to negotiating future trade deals. Is this really something that you, Caroline Ansell, are going to support, just in order to avoid losing the whip?

I am aware that you, Caroline Ansell, will probably not actually read this letter, and that one of your minions will, no doubt, send me a bland, pre-prepared account of how I am wrong.