LETTER: Junction problems are overlooked

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Since I moved back to Rudgwick three years ago, I have watched council planning putting houses in areas clearly not ready for them, but the excuse is that they are complying with the Governent’s requirements plus providing affordable homes. It sounds good!

This time they are suggesting attaching to an existing building which contains the Co-op shop making a further shop and flats. The planning department has appeared to give no thoughts to safety or where people park, as they intend to use the existing park to build on.

Should they actually visit the site, they would see two roads on either side of the intended development, PLUS five sets of double lines which indicate a problem zone for people and parking.

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Speaking as someone who lives in one of these roads, it is already difficult to get out onto Church Street with vans, lorries and 4x4s continually parking in these areas, thus already making it dangerous.

Surely if the police and road authorities consider this a dangerous area, surely the council should also consider it, or does someone have to die to make the point!


Thurne Way, Rudgwick