LETTER: Site is riddled with problems

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I object to the proposal to develop North Horsham as part of Horsham District Council’s Preferred Strategy.

There is no reason to build here, the site is riddled with problems.

North Horsham site (greenfield lands adjacent to the A264) is a poor option amongst many suitable sites and is land which should not be developed until all the other alternative sites in the district have been occupied to full capacity along with HDC-owned lands.

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Intelligent town planning is at the heart of good economy, good environment, safe town, low crime rate, functioning social environment and community.

The proposal ignores an unremarkable brownfield site in the midst of a modern village, destined for growth, and unprofitable but hugely valuable HDC-owned lands and areas

inside the town boundary/by-pass in favour of building on a hugely problematic site out-side the town bypass, along with derelict sites in prime town locations.

Mrs Vickers cites ‘reducing carbon footprint’ – people want to live near their work places (in this case, an industrial estate which is highly likely to stand empty?) as reason for this proposal.

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People do not want to live near an industrial wasteland. People want to live in pleasant communities with functioning transport links and roads.

This site and pro-posal does not create a good place to live, and bad places to live quickly become rife with social problems.

Anthony Taylor

Ropeland Way, Horsham