Rodmell and Southease

Rodmell & Southease newsRodmell & Southease news
Rodmell & Southease news
QUIZ: I now have more details about the quiz at our pub. The quiz is to support St Peter and St James Hospice, which I think you will all agree is a very good thing as they need as much support as they can get. It will be held at the Abergavenny Arms, Rodmell on Wednesday March 13 at 7pm. There will be a two-course buffet supper and a raffle. The price, to include the supper, will be £12 per head. Tickets are available from Maureen Ford on 01273 474980 or maureenford [email protected].

PAT LEES: I have just heard that Pat Lees, wife of David (deceased) who used to live in Rodmell, has died. Her funeral will be private but there is a memorial service in Rodmell Church on February 25 at noon. I used to enjoy driving Pat to her daughter’s house near Ashdown Forest. We had some great conversations and she used to let me swim in her lovely swimming pool at her house. She moved to Lewes some years ago now when her husband died, she moved into Badgers Dene, Rodmell.

RUBBISH IN THE OUSE: I thought it was most admirable of those people who took it upon themselves recently to remove all those supermarket trolleys and other rubbish from the Ouse at Lewes. Maybe if all supermarket trolleys had to be used with a £1 coin, it may help the situation and stop the mindless idiots from causing so much damage. I notice there are more in the water under the road bridge. Why are people so destructive?

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STRONG WINDS: The winds of late have reaped havoc with my fencing and I heard on the news early one morning that a tree was down on the C7 at Rodmell. Many trees have come down across Sussex and we had two power cuts on Thursday night. When power cuts occur in these villages it can be a big problem, as not having gas we rely on electricity. I have standby heating with Calor Gas heaters and a wood-burner, which is supposed to heat radiators, but doesn’t because you have to be in 24 hours a day to keep it stacked up and burning. I would personally not recommend wood-burners for central heating. However, you can warm up things like soup on the top of them or fry an egg in emergencies.