Petition launched against new market town plans east of Henfield

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A petition has been launched to fight off a new 10,000 home market town proposed between Henfield and Sayers Common.

Addressed to the Department for Communities and Local Government it argues that the area does not possess the infrastructure to cope with such an ‘invasion’.

The petition has already received 232 signatures.

The introduction reads: “Sussex villages are being ruined and countryside eroded, wildlife destroyed, watertable unbalanced and amenities overstretched. Councils are unable to cope with road repairs, flooding and present demands yet alone accommodate huge population moving into the area.

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“There needs to be more balanced house building and development plans spread evenly across the country not predominantly in the South East, where vast areas of land have already been targeted and built upon and greenbelt land criminally ignored.

“This proposed development should be stopped immediately on the above basis and any further developments of this size forced to seek building land elsewhere in England.”

Last week Nick Herbert, MP for Arundel and the South Downs, expressed his anger at the dual role of a director of Mayfield Market Towns, which is behind proposals.

Speaking at a public meeting in Storrington last Friday he claimed that Matthew Taylor had a conflict of interest because he was also helping to revise Government planning policy guidelines.

Lee Newyln, another director at Mayfield, denied there was any conflict of interest.