
Mary Reeve, Wodens Wood, Cripps Corner

Glenys Griffiths who lives and works in Ewhurst Green is a member of Artists of Rother Valley and this weekend at the Muddy Duck Northiam between 11am-5pm there is to be a selection of their work in a Christmas Art Show. There will be paintings, etchings, photographs, ceramics, glass, jewellery and cards – all original work – to view or to buy and maybe solve a Christmas present or two.

The Ewhurst, Staplecross and Bodiam Garden Society held its annual meeting two days early due to the Police Commission election commandeering the village hall! As a result it was felt that the gardening fraternity attendance was down on Tuesday of last week.

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Chairman Pam Underhill paid tribute to the support she had received over the past year from the committee, particularly Ruth Close and Pam Dance.